Why Is America a Republic and NOT a Democracy?

The topic of this blog may have surprised you. I was intrigued too when I initially heard the statement that America is a Republic and not a Democracy. Then, I began hearing this concept explained repeatedly by Conservative Constitutionalists I respect and became not only intrigued, but also curious to learn more. It resonated with me because I’d noticed the liberal left fixated on the word democracy as they oppose safe fair voting rights laws like voter ID or they attempt to eliminate, disregard, or illegally alter laws to allow voter fraud. The universal chant echoed by their marketing department, the liberal mainstream media, was that “Democracy will be threatened or even destroyed!”

The more I learned about their definition of democracy, the more I realized what they were really saying is they would lose power, which they’re desperate to maintain at any cost, even ignoring or breaking current laws and trying to establish new laws that would only benefit them, the Democrat party, not democracy for everyone!

Democracy to them is all about their power, not equal representation for All Americans, which our Founding Fathers envisioned when they wrote Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution. Notice the authors of the Constitution did not write that we would be a Democracy, but instead a Republic.

Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

The principle behind this constitutional article was that in a republic, even the political party in the minority would still have a voice in the government to represent their constituents. A republic would be a participatory system where one side could not completely dominate and rule, but both sides would have a say in their government regardless of who was in the majority. The purpose was to avoid the tyranny of the majority in legislature, like we’re experiencing today. We the people, ALL the people, are supposed to have equal civil rights. In a republic, the government equally represents both political sides which discuss and debate issues together and consider what’s best for the country as a whole, not just the majority in power.

Our Founding Fathers were trying to prevent. . .

“A democracy mindset carries a lynch-mob, rule-of-the-majority MENTALITY that getting the most votes by any means necessary is the only thing that matters, even at the expense of human decency, manners, morals, truth, fact, fairness, and following the law. Nothing, but nothing, is as important as getting the most votes BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY including the use of lies, intimidation, preaching hate, voting fraud, and brutal violence, all methods used, throughout their party’s history, by those on the political Left. 

“Such tactics are precisely why our Founding Fathers UNANIMOUSLY REJECTED democracy and considered it to be “evil,” “wretched,” “a disease,” “the most vile form of government,” and wanted nothing to do with it. 

“Contrast democracy’s destructive mentality with the peaceful MINDSET of being a Republic where rule-of-law matters, whether it’s the majority or not. Republicanism means: “adherence to a republican form of government,” NOT a democratic form. It also means: “the principles, policy, or practices of the Republican party of the U.S.”

“As such, republicanism REJECTS the mob-rule mentality because established laws protect our personal rights and our civil rights, whereas democracy would PROTECT NOTHING because, unlike a republic, it’s fifty-one percent wins every time and whether it’s legal or moral doesn’t matter. By continuously selling their LIE of democracy, instead of the documented truth of our Republic, Democrats have brainwashed Americans by successfully BLURRING THE DISTINCTION between the two and instilled a MOB-RULE MENTALITY in their followers. 

“Ever since Democrats formally rejected our ‘Republican Form of Government’ by adopting the cause of democracy at their 1832 proslavery National Convention, Democrats have been involved in an ALL-OUT-EFFORT to OVERTHROW our Republic and its rule-of-law. They seek to replace it with the mob rule of democracy, where using fraud and violence to get their way is perfectly acceptable. Simply said, they’re SELFISH and want what they want and don’t care how they get it or who they hurt.” Article IV Section 4 – Reclaim Our Republic Because Truth Matters

The Democrats can only move their progressive/Marxist agenda with violence like we see with BLM, Antifa, pro-abortion extremists, and now the fraudulent January 6 Commission.

Dave Barton on Flashpoint pointed out that right and wrong today are determined by whether or not it hurts my agenda. We see that vividly in the two-tiered justice system in our country today. If something goes against the Democrat’s agenda, like let’s say abortion being overturned, they turn a blind eye to the danger, harassment, and threats against the conservative Supreme Court Judges, even though the law specifically prohibits going to their homes and protesting, not to mention trying to assassinate one of them.

But the White House, Biden, Pelosi, Garland don’t enforce the law and show their complicity with inaction. Schumer actually called for an insurrection and possible harm to Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, with no reprimand. Anti-abortion terrorist groups are systematically and violently defacing and attacking pro-life centers and churches with no accountability, while a year and a half later, conservative political prisoners from January 6 are still in solitary confinement in jails without trials.

Violence, intimidation, threats are the Democrats way of getting what they want, even breaking the law. We all know what would happen if Republicans were doing this.

Again, Article IV Section 4 – Reclaim Our Republic Because Truth Matters asks the questions:

“Didn’t Republicans learn anything from 2015 to 2021, when Democrats, in separate documented incidents, violently attacked upwards of one thousand Republican supporters of Donald Trump and more than one hundred Republican members of congress, killing some and hospitalizing others? Or from 2015 to 2021, when Democrat leaders like Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Tom Perez, Ilhan Omar, Ocasio Cortez, and others publicly called for more violence against Republicans? Or from 2017 to 2021, when Democrats again refused to accept the election of a Republican president by illegally attempting to remove him from office based on a fake Russian Dossier they created, followed by a fake impeachment based on a fake phone conversation they created? 

“Or from 2020 to today, when self-confessed Marxist Democrat terrorist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter used rioting, looting, burning, intimidation, brutal violence, and murder to occupy major portions of American cities for months on end? Or from 2020 to today, when Democrat-led big tech companies are attempting to silence and censure Republicans again? Or in 2021, when Democrat President Joe Biden proposed packing the Supreme Court again, this time adding 4 new Justices to give Democrats majority control?”

The Democrats want to pack the court and eliminate the electoral college so we will be governed solely by the popular vote, which would mean that 20 liberal Democrat-controlled blue cities and 9 blue states would tyrannically control America. We would no longer be a republic, but a democracy where the majority liberal left would literally rule as dictators forever or until the people rebel. Republicans would have no voice or vote in our country ever again. That is their ultimate goal at any cost.

Why am I telling you this? Because Conservatives are already being censured and silenced by those in power and they’re attempting to force us into “tolerance” of everything that goes against God and the way He wants His people to live, as I wrote about last week, America Needs Truth NOT Tolerance. Jesus gave us responsibility while we’re here on earth to speak the truth, live the truth, share the truth, vote the truth!

We are God’s voice and if we don’t use it wisely, we will be silenced. We are a nation of laws not ruled by men. We do everything by God’s laws first, then the Constitution, and we support and vote for people who understand that we are a republic of the people and for the people, not a democracy of the most powerful.

 But Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than any human authority. Acts 5:29 NLT

Words matter! Listen carefully. Learn diligently. Vote responsibly. Pray continuously. Do not be deceived.

A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Eph. 6:10

When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability. Proverbs 28:2 NLT

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How Do We Love Those Who Reject God and His Ways?

“Loving people unconditionally is not the equivalent of affirming their life choices at the expense of biblical truth.”

The above quote was a post on Facebook by my friend Susan Reinhardt. I was browsing through posts while praying for the Lord to reveal what to write about this week when I came across Susan’s post and realized this was a theme the Lord had been giving me all week.

Since the leak of the SCOTUS draft opinion by Justice Alito on the unconstitutionality of Roe v Wade and stating that abortion legislation should be decided in the states not at the Federal level, we’ve all watched the screaming, yelling, vulgar signs, and vile words of the Pro-Abortion activists taking to the streets. Pro-death protests that women should be able to kill their own children have occurred nationwide, many involving violence. Protesters have targeted the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices, vandals have targeted at least five pro-life crisis pregnancy centers across the U.S., and Catholic churches have been threatened and vandalized.

Sometimes, the protestors admit to being Satanists, but Satan is rejoicing with all the protests. I’m sure many of the protestors are women who’ve had abortions and are seeking affirmation to alleviate their guilt. Then there are those who are just following the crowd or it’s something they were told was a woman’s right and they’ve never even considered that there’s another person involved with rights, the innocent baby. Or they haven’t read or heard details of the torture and gruesome realities of abortion.

You hear some of these activists interviewed and they’ve been force-fed by the media, Planned Parenthood, liberals, Elites, and Democrats that even though science proves there’s a living feeling moving human baby waiting to be born, they’ve believed the lie that it’s not really a fellow human being until its first breath. Lies! Lies! lies!!!

Satan is the father of lies and deception and without the Holy Spirit to help discern the truth, lies can seem believable. Just like Eve was deceived in the garden by the serpent Satan who had her doubting and questioning, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Gen. 3:1

 I’ll admit when I saw the angry, illiterate, disgusting words and signs of the protestors, I was appalled, repulsed, and angry. I’m sure many of you are too. Then I saw a sign one young woman was holding, “I wish my mother had aborted me!” The only emotion I felt was sadness for her. What little self-worth does someone possess who would rather they were never born so she’s championing that no child should have the right to life.

I realize that most of the protestors do not want to have a rational conversation, but that young woman was crying out for help. Was anyone listening? She needed someone to tell her there’s a God who created her with a purpose for her life and He wanted her to be born.

My mother once said to me, if she had known all the illnesses she was going to have in her lifetime and might pass on to her children, she wished she had never had me! I’ve never forgotten her words and I can’t imagine that I wouldn’t have had a chance to live the life I’ve enjoyed or accomplished what the Lord had planned for me, especially to be known and loved by Him. That poor girl holding the “I wish I hadn’t been born sign” needs to know she is loved by God.

A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. 2 Tim. 2:24 NLT

Our Battle is Not Against the Protesters or Pro-Death Advocates!

I heard a woman who leads a pro-life organization interviewed and it was pointed out to her how the pro-life groups are the exact opposite of the pro-abortion groups. Pro-life groups are typically smiling, praying, singing, holding life-affirming signs, and trying to have rational conversations with those who oppose them. When asked how she tries to combat the pro-abortion groups, she said many of them don’t really understand the barbaric torture of abortion and I wish we could just have open discussion with them. But most of the time that’s impossible. They just want to scream and not listen.

You may have seen last week during a Congressional hearing when a young pro-abortion activist said she believed that yes men can get pregnant!! It was hard not to just laugh at the absurdity of her belief, but it begs the questions: What did she not learn in biology? Where did she receive her brainwashing? Is she mentally ill or mentally incompetent? Could she give an example of that ever happening in history? Satan smiles at her illiterate response and God cries.

In the same hearing, a Planned Parenthood doctor wouldn’t answer if she had seen or removed baby body parts during abortion. Even she couldn’t verbalize the horror of what she does as a “doctor” while killing a baby in the womb. A doctor that took an oath to save life works for an organization whose sole purpose is murder under the false pretense of “healthcare.”

The Democrat led White House is already preparing for the nationwide violence they expect from their radical constituents when the Roe v Wade ruling is announced. Instead of telling their people not to riot or take violent actions and to be sure their protests are legal and peaceful, they’re expecting violence because that’s what the liberal left, progressives, and Elites do when they don’t get their way.

The woman leading the pro-life organization understood the evil one has deceived these people. Paul clearly tells us in Ephesians 6:10-13 who the real enemy is and how to combat him!

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

As Christians, What Should We Do for These Lost Souls?

Satan is blinding people to the truth and he’s unwilling to let the captives go. Even some news commentators have mentioned that the opposition we’re watching by the pro-abortion advocates and government officials seems like a spiritual battle. They can’t deny what their eyes are seeing.

Our job as Christians is to pray that the truth would set the captives free from this satanic woke cult that has invaded their heart, mind, and soul and replaced their sense of reason, common sense, and morality! I know that’s hard to do when they can be so belligerent and their actions are so detestable, but they’re lost and destined to eternal damnation. As my pastor says, they are our mission field. When we think of it that way, I don’t know about you, instead of feeling angry, I feel sorrow and even compassion for them. They are who Jesus came to save not cast aside as hopeless!

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10

Many people have the false belief that because Christians are to display Christ’s love, we cannot call out people’s sin. But that makes no sense. How will they ever be convicted that their actions are wrong if someone doesn’t help them see the truth? Jesus did not agree with sin. He went to the cross to provide forgiveness for sin, but the sinner has to acknowledge their sin and repent, and then they can receive forgiveness and be blessed with eternal salvation. That’s the Truth and Good News of the gospel and there is no shortcut.

If the Good News we preach is hidden behind a veil, it is hidden only from people who are perishing. Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. 2 Cor. 4:3-4 NLT

It’s easy to love those who think like we do and agree with us, but it’s challenging to love our enemies or those who don’t believe like us. We are living in times when the spiritual battle between good and evil is prevalent and evident. As Christians, we must stand up for good and abhor evil. We don’t go along with evil to get along. We don’t accept evil so as not to make waves, even when it’s happening within our own family. We stand up for truth and morality always! We keep showing the love of Christ while not condemning but not condoning.

I share being in this exact situation in my book Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter: Hope, Help, & Encouragement for Hurting Parents. My daughter never doubted my love for her, but she also knew that I didn’t agree with her actions at the time. They weren’t ok just because she was my daughter. I prayed daily for her for six years, never agreeing with her sinful choices but always loving her with a mother’s unconditional love and one day she accepted Christ as her Savior. Today, she’s a godly wife and mother.

I know many of you are in a similar situation right now. You have a loved one who is making bad choices. You still want a relationship with them but you don’t know how to do this without agreeing with the way they’re living. My advice to you is don’t change or waiver from your beliefs and truths. You stay consistent in living biblically but you show kindness, compassion, and love rather than condemnation. Keep communication open. Keep praying. Keep loving. Keep close to Jesus. Don’t waiver in your faith or beliefs, but don’t stop loving.

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. Eph. 4:15

 Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good! Romans 12:9 NLT

To learn more about the Purple Sash Revolution.

To read my recent post on abortion There’s Hope for America Breaking Free from Demonic Paganism!

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Since next Monday is a holiday, there won’t be a Monday Morning Blog but God willing, I’ll be back June 6th! Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.

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Our Forever Valentine: Jesus, Our First Love!

Since my Monday Morning Blog is posting on Valentine’s Day, I thought it was only appropriate that we talk about love. Typically, we think about romantic love on this day, but there are so many different aspects to love.

Remember in grammar school sharing Valentine’s cards with classmates. You might’ve had a crush on one of them, but mostly you were trying to collect as many cards as you could that day. I’m not even sure kids still are allowed to share Valentines today but it’s a fun memory for many of us. It wasn’t about love, but more about friendship and camaraderie.

February is the month of valentines, but it’s also National Heart Health month, and a good time to reflect on your diet and exercise regime. At least, be sure if you’re eating chocolates today, it’s dark chocolate! At our house, we’re hoping the snow will start melting and there will be glimpses of spring and warmer weather.

When I think about true love, my mind always goes to Jesus. Yes, my husband and I make plans to do something special to celebrate our love on Valentine’s Day, but we both know that Jesus is our First Love. We wouldn’t have made it these twenty-nine years through the stresses and trials of a blended family and other devastating life issues if we hadn’t put Jesus at the center of our marriage, but most importantly, at the center of each of our lives. We don’t want to ever forget that Jesus Christ is our First Love!

In Revelations 2:2-4, Jesus admonishes the church in Ephesus that even though they were a dutiful church following all the religious rules and ceremonies, they had forgotten who they were serving and why they were even a church. They weren’t showing or exemplifying the love of Jesus.

 I [Jesus] know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.

Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.

Removing the lampstand meant they would stop being an effective church. And if we’re not careful, the same thing could happen to us in our personal lives too! When we forget the love of Jesus that burned in our heart when we first gave our life to Him, Jesus says . . . no matter how many Bible studies we attend, how perfect our attendance is at church, or how much we volunteer and tithe. . . none of it matters if we’re motivated by duty and not love.

A pastor once asked the children how we know Jesus is alive today. Their answer was He lives in each of our hearts. That’s true love!

So whether you’re single or married, I want to share three important points about what love has to do with our witness for Jesus, especially as we look at the tumultuous times we live in today.

Christians Need to Love Each Other

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other. John 15:16-17

Jesus was talking to his disciples here and we are Jesus’s disciples now. God chose us to bear fruit and we can’t have a message of love if we don’t love each other. We can’t have dissention in the church or among church members. Sadly, Satan has used the current political and pandemic unrest to pit brothers and sisters in Christ against each other. In the Bible, there are no Democrats, Republicans, Progressives, Liberals, Conservatives, vaxxers or anti-vaxxer, maskers or anti-maskers.

There is only One timeless Word of God.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Heb. 13:8

There is also only one kind of Christian: “Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” John 3:3

As born-again Bible-Believing Christians, we’re appointed to go out and bear testimony to the world together. We should unite as one front! Whatever allows us to share the Good News that Jesus saves, we’re for; whatever prohibits that freedom or tries to silence us, we’re against.

Whatever upholds the teachings of the Bible, we’re for; whatever prohibits or alters those teachings, we’re against.

We stand together for the sanctity of human life, marriage between a man and a woman, God creating us as men and women, and we’re not afraid to lovingly bear that fruit for Jesus.

Anything separating us on those issues isn’t from God!

Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart. 1 Peter 1:22

Christ Loves Us with a Never-Ending Love

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom. 8:38-39

Sadly, we see divided churches, families, friends . . . all proclaiming to be Christians yet separated by issues where there should be unity, and Satan wins because our witness is compromised. That’s a shame! There is a lost world that really needs to see the love of Christ displayed through a body of Christ that shows the love of Christ and agrees on what it means to be a Christian. But we know today that’s not the case. The good news is that nothing we do can ever separate us from the love of God for those who have truly accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

I had a man on Facebook tell me once that he had been a Christian for 50 years, read the Bible numerous times, been to church, talked to pastors, attended Bible study groups, but now has decided Christianity is a farce, doesn’t work for him anymore, and told me I needed to know that Jesus is not returning. Two things came to mind: (a) You can leave Jesus, but He will never leave you. (b) You can be a Christian in name only, but never have experienced the saving grace of Jesus Christ, your First Love, which I wrote about in last week’s blog, A Society Crumbles That Doesn’t Recognize Sin. His words were so harsh I fear he was in the latter group.

I remember singing a song as a little girl, maybe you remember it too: “I have the love of Jesus love of Jesus down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart to stay.”

How Much Love Do You Have to Give?

This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person’s failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him. John 3:16-18 The Message

Do You Love Jesus Enough to Share Him with Others Or Are You Keeping All the Love To Yourself?

Another woman on Facebook wrote this:

FB woman: There are many other religions who do not make Jesus/Satan part of their belief system. All destined to damnation? It’s a big world out there and much of it overcomes the negative.

Me: “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

FB woman: Written by John a century later, an evangelist trying to convert the world to his new religion. PBS and History Channel do wonderful educational shows on the origins of the Bible. Check them out. I have read the Bible extensively Janet, I just haven’t drawn the same dark conclusions. And the shows I mentioned are created by scientists and historians with no agenda but discovery. I wouldn’t want to rest my eternity on what someone else says.

This woman was very confused, but I was able to talk with her a little and point out that John was actually with Jesus during His ministry, not a century later, and she was resting her eternity on what scientists and television said rather than letting God speak to her through the Bible. Maybe I made some headway. My heart breaks for those misled by the liberal progressive godless agenda with their many “belief systems,” and for Christians who have forgotten their First Love.

Love says we will take the time to share the truth, wherever and whenever we have the opportunity.

I often have to remind myself that Jesus died for the liberal mainstream media and the godless radical progressives. It’s my job to let them know the gospel in a loving way. It’s up to them to make the choice. I don’t try to convince them, because you can’t reason with someone blinded by evil.

If they’re not following God, they’re following Satan. Those are the only two roads; there is no middle path. But now they’re accountable for knowing there is another way and maybe someone else will share a little more love down the road. Who knows, they just might decide that heavy load of anger, bitterness, revenge, meanness, bullying, lies . . . whatever has turned their heart so hard . . . just isn’t worth carrying around anymore.

No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced,
    but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.

Show me the right path, O Lord;
    point out the road for me to follow.
Lead me by your truth and teach me,
    for you are the God who saves me.
    All day long I put my hope in you.
Psalm 25:3-5 NLT

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Cor. 13:4-5

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You might also enjoy another blog How to Have a Date with Jesus!

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Don’t Just Go to Church, Be the Church

We’ve just come through a period we never thought could happen in America: the government shut down churches. In the beginning of Covid, everyone was still trying to figure it all out. But soon it became obvious that the closures were indiscriminate as large box stores like COSTCO and Home Depot and liquor stores were still allowed to remain open. They were considered essential and churches were not. I wrote blogs during that period encouraging churches not to acquiesce, but sadly, many did. Some closed their doors for over a year and many went online giving the government a taste of success in ruling over churches.

Praise God, many bold and brave pastors recognized the tyranny and fought against it to keep meeting. Some at great peril but they understood the church needed to be together to pray, worship, fellowship, encourage each other, and be available to those who were fearful and wanted to know more about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Even saying the church is family didn’t impact the draconian “rules” because families were being told not to meet together!

You’ve heard it said that freedoms lost or surrendered are usually never regained. But thankfully, most churches have reconvened meeting again in person, and even with the continuing new variants, churches are staying open. Unfortunately, many Christians have not returned because they’re out of the habit or routine or they’re still living in fear. And that’s the enemy’s plan!

The media would have you think that surveys are proving the Christian population is diminishing, but you know better than to believe everything you read and hear. We live in an era where liberals are intent on demoralizing, demeaning, and denouncing Christians and everything we stand for and believe. Marxism/Socialism/Communism is anti-religion. Their cowardly tactic is shame and bullying. Trying to use the power of words, name-calling, and cancel culture to threaten and intimidate us into backing down from our faith and God’s Word. But those who live for Christ alone won’t be fooled or shaken!

I hope you stand with me in not being daunted by the enemy. But instead using this tumultuous time as an opportunity to be a vocal voice for the power of Jesus Christ to overcome evil in our world and in our life! As the apostle Paul told his mentee Timothy: “So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.” 2 Timothy 1:8

Vine’s definition of ashamed is: “A strong feeling of shame preventing a person from doing something.” Is there something preventing you from doing what you know the Lord is asking of you to do?

If God wants us to do something and the Holy Spirit prompts us—regardless of how “politically incorrect” or unpopular it might be, we need to proudly declare the name of Jesus and follow the Great Commission He left for us to live out. We must unite together against the pressures of this world—no matter how many names they call us, laws they pass to quiet us, or how unpopular we become personally … our job as Christians is to speak and live the Gospel joyfully and fervently.

The True Christian World is Not Shrinking

Reality is that the true Christian population is not shrinking—Christians who would never back down in the face of adversity are actually increasing. What is shrinking is the gap between those who call themselves “Christian” hoping for a free ticket to heaven while following the world’s ways, and those who identify with Christ and are willing to follow Him wherever He leads, even if it means suffering for the Gospel, as Paul did.

Both Jesus and Paul were rivals to the accepted culture of their day and everything they did upset the social order. Why would we think it so strange when we encounter the same reaction and persecution?

Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. John 15:20

The pseudo-Christians are looking for a gospel they’ll never find: one that allows them to not make waves and keep their faith “private.” As that becomes more impossible, their faith becomes weaker and they fall away. Those “so called” Christians become lesser in number.

But to those who have the courage to be unpopular for Christ no matter what—their faith becomes stronger and their stance against the wrongs of this world becomes bolder. Yes, praise God, the true Christian population is increasing. Again, just like Paul tells Timothy, these Christians will:

 With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the Good News. For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan from before the beginning of time—to show us his grace through Christ Jesus. 10 And now he has made all of this plain to us by the appearing of Christ Jesus, our Savior. He broke the power of death and illuminated the way to life and immortality through the Good News.—2 Timothy 1:8-10

There’s Only One Kind of Christian

God shields every Christian who believes in living out the Bible—and only the Bible. A new term has caught my attention: “Bible-believing Christian.” I shake my head every time I hear it because there is no other kind of Christian. If you don’t believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, call yourself anything you want, but don’t call yourself a Christian because that’s blasphemy and heresy.

God ordains the steps of every Christian who has surrendered their life to Jesus and is born-again. We need to be using what He has given us in the time that we have here on Earth. God had a reason for saving us. So when we speak up for God, He gives our words power and He infuses us with courage. Holy God-fearing people love God and others and tell the truth about God to everyone, even when the audience is hostile.

Liberals and nonbelievers try to taunt us with the argument that Jesus loved everyone so Christians should love everyone’s sins. But they’re twisting the word “love” to mean what they want it to mean. To use “love” to justify sin is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught and why He went to the cross.

God loves His creations so much He sent His only Son Jesus to die for them to repent of their sins.

 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

It’s true that Jesus loved the world and that’s why He died for everyone to have freedom from sin—sins that God hates. Jesus didn’t go to the cross so we could keep on sinning, but so that we could live a life free from sin. That’s the true loving Gospel. Sharing the love of Christ and the Gospel with someone is the most loving thing you could do.

As Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery: “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” 12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:11-12

Sin is Sin Even When Our Family is Doing It

I know firsthand that one of the hardest things as a parent is to watch our children or grandchildren choose to sin. I wrote a book about Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter so I know the heartbreak of feeling like you can’t do anything to stop them. But you can love them and pray for them. The worst thing you can do is enable them by overlooking their sin, indulging their sin, or trying to convince yourself that their sin isn’t really that bad.

Remember, every murderer is someone’s child, but that doesn’t make murder OK. Every alcoholic is someone’s child, but alcoholism is wrong. Every thief has parents, but stealing is a sin. If your child is indulging in alternate lifestyles, having sex outside of marriage, or experimenting with “transgenderism” or homosexuality—it’s all sin. God doesn’t make any mistakes. He made girls as girls and boys as boys and he created girls to fall in love with boys, get married, and then enjoy sex as they come together as one.

The most loving thing you can do for your sinning child, or anyone, is to pray for him or her to seek Jesus, ask for forgiveness, change their sinful ways, and live a righteous life. It’s painful and it takes courage, but my daughter is so glad I never gave up praying for her and today that’s our testimony together.

Christianity is the Only All-Inclusive Faith

When the world says that Christians are “exclusive” that only shows their ignorance of Christianity, the most “inclusive” religion in the world. Jesus is available to everyone. He died for everyone, but sadly, not everyone will accept His loving free invitation to eternal life with Him.

Hell is real and when Jesus returns, those who do not believe in Him will experience that reality.

 I leave you with a scenario that depicts this tragedy:

A young boyfriend and girlfriend were in a tragic accident and died. They’re looking down on the scene:

Girl to boy: “I have to leave you now.”
Boy: “I want to go with you wherever you’re going.”
Girl: “I’m going to be with God, but you didn’t accept him so you can’t come with me.”

Boy: “Did you know this?”

Girl: “Yes …”

Boy: “Then why didn’t you tell me?”
Girl: “I was afraid I would lose you.”

Who are you so afraid of losing here on Earth that you’ll have to say goodbye to them forever in eternity? Don’t be ashamed or fearful to share the Gospel. Someone’s eternal life depends on it.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

“When God sees you, for those of us in Christ, he sees his Son, Jesus. And when we get a glimpse of how beautiful he is and how beautiful he becomes in us, we want to join him in beautifying this world!” [A quote from Saddleback Church newsletter “Three important things to believe about Jesus”]

If you don’t receive my monthly newsletter, here is a link to January’s edition and you can sign up on my website to receive it monthly. The opening article is: Are You Ready?

In case you didn’t read last week’s blog I encourage you to read it today as we watch the horrific war on our police officers! Police Officers Have Our Backs; Let’s Have Theirs!

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The opening picture was created by Joshua Lutz, reppnforChrist.com. I saw it and knew immediately what the title of my blog should be. Originally, my title was Christianity Under Refining Fire! which also is a good one to describe the article don’t you think.

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We’re No Longer One Nation United Under God!

It’s been a subtle shift of disunity over the years as God became degraded and discarded in our country and the two political sides became defined by whether they stood for godly principles. But two recent significant events have clarified and delineated the spiritual political divide: Covid and the disputed election.

Let’s start with Covid. A pandemic, like any traumatic event, should’ve united our country in fighting it together, but instead it divided us, even in the church. I wrote a few weeks ago about Don’t Let Vaccines Divide the Church, and then last year, Don’t Let Covid Divide the Church: We’re on the Same Team! But because Covid has been politicized, the country and the church are divided often along political lines. And we’ve let it happen. Lies from the media blame Conservatives and Christians for causing what they now refer to as the “unvaccinated pandemic,” when in actuality the highest number of unvaccinated are people of color regardless of party affiliation.

Democrat politicians show their ignorance about God by trying to claim that God wants everyone vaccinated and yet they’re the party that voted several years ago at their convention to take God out of policies and programs, even the Pledge of Allegiance. They wrongly think they can pretend to represent God now as they show their biblical ignorance by taking Scriptures out of context and trying to manipulate a Christian population they know nothing about.

It was the liberal blue state governors that forbid churches to meet during Covid lockdowns calling them nonessential and even imprisoning pastors and fining parishioners who defied them and met anyway. With never an apology, they think they can tell us they’re now speaking for God concerning His desire for vaccinations. Even going so far as to say you’re disobeying God if you don’t get the vaccine!

Which brings me to the next great divide: Diabolical progressives and godless liberal Democrats used Covid to perpetuate voter fraud and take control of our country, while falsely claiming to be the party of unity. Their idea of “unity” is agreeing with them or you lose your job, are fined, or even put in jail.

But good can never unite with evil, without denouncing faith.

14 Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? 15 What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever? 2 Cor. 6:13-15 NLT

Let’s look at just some of the differences of Conservatives vs. Progressive Liberals (which have hijacked the Democrat party).

Conservatives Believe                                                           Progressive Liberals Believe

Sanctity of life protecting unborn babies                               Slaughter/sacrifice babies

Scientific biology of male and female                          Scalpels can change genders

Police/Military protection                                                       Defund police/woke military

Medical treatment is personal                                                Government forced medicine

Following the Constitution                                                     Destroying the Constitution

A country with borders                                                           Borderless country

Freedom                                                                                  Mandates

Work ethic                                                                              Social welfare

Democracy / civil rights                                                     Marxism/Communism

Against racism                                                                        Critical race theory

Judeo/Christian foundation                                                     Godless government

God reigns                                                                               Government rules                                                                   

I’m sure you can think of even more differences like equality vs equity. But you get the point that there can never be a compromise, reaching across the aisle, or meeting of the minds with a political party or position that excludes God. We can never support a government that refuses to submit to godly principles and only uses God when politically convenient, but fundamentally wants to rule as gods themselves.

This radicalization has been slow in coming, but living up to their name, it’s been progressive. Several years ago, everyone was laughing at AOC and Bernie Sander’s “New Green Deal” and today it’s included in a massive spending bill before Congress with only two legislators holding out against it and progressives mad because the bill isn’t even bigger and include more socialism. And those two holdouts probably will go with the bill if the price tag is lowered, but it would still be a bill that allows the government to spy on your bank accounts, the IRS to harass you, tax your driving miles, and turn us into a socialist welfare state.

What’s Changed?

Over the years, we’ve watched the changes in government officials like Pelosi and Biden and the Democrat Party. They weren’t always totally godless as they are today, but they’ve succumbed to the alluring sin of power at any cost, even renouncing the ways of the God some claim to know. I don’t know the spiritual history of all the Democrats in Congress and the Senate, but no one in Congress who voted for the latest deceptively named “Women’s Healthcare Act” allowing babies to be killed up until birth, could have a clear conscience if they had a relationship with Jesus. Only one Democrat Congressman was brave enough to do the right thing and vote against it. I wrote about this in my blog last week, Satan is Running Scared: He Knows His Time is Short!

I’m not an historian, but I do believe the downfall of America began with Roe v Wade and has been on a steady decline to the historic deterioration we’re watching today. When a country decides that unborn babies should be violently poisoned and viciously ripped apart in their mother’s womb and taxpayers actually pay for it, God cried. God was angry. He’s still crying and angry! How could He not be?!

They have built pagan shrines at Topheth, the garbage dump in the valley of Ben-Hinnom, and there they burn their sons and daughters in the fire. I have never commanded such a horrible deed; it never even crossed my mind to command such a thing! Jer. 7:31 NLT

You have done more evil than all who lived before you. You have made for yourself other gods, idols made of metal; you have aroused my anger and turned your back on me. 1 Kings 14:9

And the worst part is that Christians and the church have actually done very little to reverse this atrocity or keep child sacrifice in front of politicians until recently and the Dems have noticed our sudden advocacy. What started over 50 years ago as a practice only to be used in an extreme emergency has evolved to killing babies on a whim and even as a form of birth control. Yet still for the most part the church and Republicans have been fairly quiet as millions of babies are murdered.

Last year was the first time a sitting President, Donald J. Trump, appeared personally and spoke at a National Walk for Life in Washington DC. It seemed like the Republican Party and the church became emboldened. Some red states are beginning to pass laws forbidding abortion, especially after a heartbeat, which is a beginning. Now we have a political party in charge of our country that wants to, as Nancy Pelosi’s own Bishop said, pass a bill that could’ve only been written by Satan.

I hear more Conservative news pundits willing to call out what we’re watching take place in our government for what it is: evil! They use the word evil! Finally, people willing to verbalize what is happening in our country and world today. But is it too late? I don’t know. But what I do know is God is only going to put up with what He’s watching for so long, just like in the days of Noah.

God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to forgive those who repent from their sins but that promise is shouted down today by rioters, Marxists, and corrupt legislators who encourage sin and violence instead of repentance and forgiveness.

We will never be a united nation as long as evil rules in our nation.

Our only chance to take back our beloved nation is to vote the Democrats and Communists out of power and keep them out of power forever unless they have a spiritual awakening. They’re not going to go quietly and they’re going to do as much damage as they can while they’re still in the driver’s seat. You can see them squirming and frantically scrambling as I wrote about last week, that Satan is running scared because he knows his time is short. How short? I don’t know, but I do know that we can’t give up the fight and sit back and wait for the next election because maybe God’s not waiting. Any day He could say “Enough!” and it’s over.


Be ready

Make your voice heard now for godly justice.

Vote and do your part for voter integrity.

Run for local offices like school boards and state legislators.

Make sure the people you love most are ready when Jesus comes to rapture His people.

38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. Matt. 24:38-41

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The 4th of July Has New Significance This Year!

Did you ever think we would be living in a time when love of country, respect for the American Flag, and standing for the National Anthem would become controversial? Patriotism booed and considered deplorable. Athletes representing the USA abroad disgracing our country and themselves. Our government attempting to divide Americans into identity groups and pit them against each other. Children taught in school to judge each other by the color of their skin.

Have we become a country of race-baiting, ungrateful, unpatriotic citizens? Or are these just the people who yell the loudest and the media covers incessantly with glee.

I love the song “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood, and I sing along with him, especially the lines, “I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.”

I am proud to be an American, but I’m not proud of all Americans.

It appears that the Administration in the White House and the Democrat party is not proud to be American! They continually denounce us as a racist country and claim half the population, at least those who are conservative, white, drive pickups, and wave American flags, are a threat to our country?!

The current Administration is trying to see how far to the Socialist, Communist, Marxist, tribal, racist, liberal left they can take America. They’re turning us into a country our forefathers would never recognize as the free country so many of all colors gave their lives to defend.

If you’re saying don’t make the 4th of July political—Independence Day marked the initiation of politics!

A 4th of July Pop Quiz

Have you watched a man-on-the-street interview asking people if they know facts about our country’s history? It’s embarrassing. I wonder how many could answer questions about the 4th of July and why it’s a National holiday?

“What does July 4th stand for?”

  • From what country did America fight to win their freedom?
  • Why is July 4th Independence Day?
  • What year was the Declaration of Independence signed and adopted?
  • What is the significance of 13 stripes and 50 stars?
  • Why are our patriotic colors red, white, and blue?
  • What does a national flag represent?
  • Why are caskets of fallen soldiers wrapped in the American flag?
  • Why do we have fireworks on the 4th of July?

How about asking these questions and offering a prize to the one who knows the most answers at your 4th of July gathering. Here’s a website with a succinct overview: History of the Fourth of July – Brief History & Early Celebrations – HISTORY

So many more facts are lost in a culture that has forgotten our roots and trying to rewrite our history.

Liberal left politicians want to erase our heritage as if it never happened and turn a Democracy of freedoms into a country of government Socialistic/Marxist control of the people. They make it sound like the freedom of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness isn’t as valuable as the carrots they dangle of free healthcare, free college, free immigration free… free…which the naïve lap up without realizing nothing is free. Americans will pay the price with the loss of sovereignty and personal freedoms that so many brave soldiers gave their life to grant each of us. It will cost us dearly in taxes, independence, and quality of life.

For example, under socialism people will soon discover that “free” healthcare doesn’t mean the best medical treatment you need when you need it. The government will decide who, when, and to what extent you’re worthy of the healthcare they deem you can have or even whether they’ll let you have tests to receive a diagnosis. They’re even suggesting that the color of your skin or your heritage will determine who gets treatment first.

You won’t just call and make a doctor’s appointment. You’ll go through legal red tape, waiting lines, and a faceless worker in Washington deciding whether your life is worth healing or saving.

Since Biden wants to give illegal immigrants free Medicaid health insurance, he’ll need to put more than a 70% increase on our taxes to pay for it. And how good do you think that healthcare is going to be when it’s stretched to the limits with no money to back it and millions of extra people getting it for “free.” That’s why he hasn’t given specifics of how he would achieve this.

Some “progressive” politicians have argued that we’re the only major country without socialized healthcare. What Americans need to remember is that the entire point of July 4th is that we didn’t want to be like other nations. Other nations come to America for medical treatment. People are not migrating to other countries; they want to come to America because we aren’t like other nations. They come to America for a better life. And Biden/Harris have put out the welcome mat for illegal immigration at the expense and threat to American citizens.

No other country was founded on Judeo Christian values, where our Presidents end their speeches with “God Bless America,” or at least they use too. I haven’t heard that from Biden or Harris recently.

As hard as the liberal left is trying to move our country away from God, Christians need to stand in the gap and keep America a blessed nation under God. Where our currency still says “In God We Trust” not “In the government we trust.”

The 4th of July celebrates winning the battle for freedom to be different from other countries. A Democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people. Where the government works for us NOT controls us.

As you plan your festivities—parades, BBQs, fireworks, pool parties, trips to the beach—how about starting those events with the Pledge of Allegiance, singing the National Anthem, and a prayer to God who has allowed us to live in this great country.

Remind the children at the gatherings why you’re celebrating this holiday. Our generation must pass down to the next generation our country’s history and why we don’t want to repeat past mistakes.

If anyone who refuses to stand for the National Anthem, say the Pledge of Allegiance, respectfully represent the USA abroad and at home, dares to celebrate the 4th of July . . . might I say they are hypocrites who either have no idea what July 4th represents or they have no idea what they’re even protesting.

God has allowed each American to live in the greatest nation in the world. Have you ever opened your eyes in the morning and said thank you God I’m an American? If we allow them to take God and patriotism out of America, we won’t be able to say that anymore.

Have you noticed how both sides of the political arena are always saying, “The American people want to know.” “The American people deserve to know.”

Let’s show them what the American people really want and deserve:

A country that honors God, honors our flag, honors those who have gone before us and fought for our freedoms, and honors the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution of the United States of America!

May God bless America and may America be worthy of His blessing!

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“We the People” Is NOT the Government

Like many of you, I forced myself to listen to Biden’s address to Congress because I wanted to know what his plans were for our country. An educated public is a prepared public so ignoring him is the worst thing we can do. It’s like putting our head under the covers and hoping for the best.

We the people need to take responsibility for our country and not think that if we ignore those in power because we don’t agree with them, that they’re just going to go away. They’re never going to stop pushing their Socialist agenda on America until we the people stand up unified and say “Enough!” We’re not gonna take it anymore!

As I listened to his speech, not totally focused, I suddenly became very focused as I heard him refer to his administration as “We the people.”

“It’s time we remembered that ‘We the people’ are the government,” Biden said while trying to convince listeners that we shouldn’t fear government intervention in our lives. We should willingly subjugate our freedoms to big government who would become our caretakers as well as our overseers. We would owe the government complete homage to their will and whim in return for them spending trillions of our dollars to control us, especially our families.

Here’s what the Constitution actually says about “We the people”:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

The government is only established to serve we the people, not control we the people. They serve at our pleasure to preserve the freedoms of every citizen regardless of color, financial status, religious belief, political affiliation, profession, or location. We don’t become their minions from cradle to grave to tell us what we can do, think, say, eat, drive, believe or when we can go outside, go to school, work, recreate, worship or mandate we get vaccinated or cover our faces.

So why hasn’t there been more pushback from we the people to Biden’s erroneous statement? Why aren’t Conservatives and Republicans in Congress and government calling him out on such a preposterous position? Why isn’t every American on both sides of the aisle correcting him as to the meaning of “We the People?”

Lies, Lies, Lies!

Then there were his lies about what happened on January 6 at the Capitol with the preposterous claim that it was the worst thing America has encountered since the Civil War!!!

Say what?!

Thousands of people on both sides lost their lives in the Civil War as the battle raged on to free the slaves, which eventually happened after….

The Union and the Confederacy quickly raised volunteer and conscription armies that fought mostly in the South for four years. Intense combat left between 620,000 and 750,000 soldiers dead, along with an undetermined number of civilians. The Civil War remains the deadliest military conflict in American history, and accounted for more American military deaths than all other wars combined until the Vietnam War.

Has Biden completely lost his memory of 9/11 when Islamic terrorists attacked our country and over 3000 people lost their lives, not to mention all those who succumbed in the aftermath?!

He falsely said, “white supremacists” were the most dangerous terrorist threat in our country today, completely ignoring the terrorism and destruction of BLM, Antifa, and the Cartel. Glossing over China’s threat to the USA!

He falsely said, “people were killed” on January 6th. Only one person was killed that day. A Capitol police officer shot Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed, white, veteran, Trump supporter woman who had both hands visible. We’ve heard nothing about the police officer or his justification for murdering her. Why aren’t Conservatives and Republicans in government in an uproar and demanding an explanation and investigation into her death? All we hear are crickets.

Or what about those arrested that day who are still in prison with no bail four months later, while Antifa members are often released the next day or never arrested?!

Congress went back to work that very night on January 6! Hardly an insurrection. I’m not denying things got out of hand, and people went where they shouldn’t have in the Capitol, but the Democrats are treating it like Pearl Harbor!

Biden, with the help of liberals and Democrats, is lying over and over and people are buying into the false drama and fake stories the media promotes to take the focus off the real threat to our country, the current administration!

Why aren’t we the people demanding answers to these and so many more questions?

When we hear Democrats and liberals try to convince us that we’re a systemically racist country, why isn’t anyone pointing out that we had a black President for 8 years and we now have a “black” VP?

Why are we the people allowing them to inflict our country with reverse racism and condemn small children in school for being white?

Why aren’t more parents speaking out against “critical race theory” being taught in our schools and the insanity of having small children wearing masks? Some parents are, and I commend them for their bravery in fighting for the wellbeing of their children.

My Struggle with the Lord

This wasn’t really what I wanted to write about this week, but the Lord kept it resonating in my thoughts. We wrestled much like Jacob* did with the Lord until I surrendered. I’ve received many comments on my recent blogs telling me that I’m putting into words what many of you are thinking but my response is always the same: You have words too, please use them however the Lord leads. Have you been wrestling with Him too about being more involved in the destiny of our nation? Our children and grandchildren’s future? Reimagining One Nation Under God as I wrote about last week?

We the people will soon become Biden’s morbid forecast of “we the people are the government” if we don’t find ways to fight back and take a stand for the freedoms and democracy we cherish in America.

What about We the People Christians? Why are we staying silent? Why isn’t the church speaking out? Why are some churches still closed? Why are some pastors succumbing to the politically correct way of interpreting the Bible?

We’re a mighty force when we unite with one voice but we are weak and ineffective when we retreat to the sidelines as we watch our country being destroyed and do nothing.

We the people have our voice and our vote. We need to ask God how to use both wisely and bravely.                                                     

Oh, the joys of those who do not
    follow the advice of the wicked,
    or stand around with sinners,
    or join in with mockers.
But they delight in the law of the Lord,
    meditating on it day and night.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
    bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
    and they prosper in all they do. Psalm 1:1-4

PS: I’m so glad that Greg Kelly on NEWSMAX continues to report on the killing of Ashli Babbitt. He interviewed her husband on April 29. He continued the investigation on April 30 and he brings up her name almost every program. I pray he doesn’t give up until we have some answers.

*I also wrote a blog recently for Crosswalk 4 Lessons from Jacob’s Ladder to Encourage and Challenge You.

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Reimagine One Nation Under God

Democrats, progressive left liberals, the media, and the White House have introduced the word “reimagine” into their rhetoric. I don’t know about you, but I’ve seldom heard or used that word in my own vocabulary. Suddenly, we hear it in situations where I feel the user wants to disguise or mask what they really mean knowing that if they come right out and say their true intentions, it won’t be received well.

Reimagining seems more esoteric.

The definition of reimagine is to “reinterpret (an event, work of art, etc.) imaginatively; rethink; to form a new conception of.” The most prevalent use of this nebulous creative way of rethinking today is to apply it to policing and “criminal reform.” In the process, they’re trying to reframe policing as racist and brutal and send criminals back out into the streets to terrorize our cities.

In fact, the Democrats want to reimagine our entire country as systematically racist and create the perception that there’s universal racism in need of reform. The mainstream media echoes the mantra.

Their idea of “unity” is that we all agree that America’s problems originate from the police, “white privilege,” “systemic racism,” climate change, guns, not wearing masks, questioning the vaccine, using the wrong pronouns, not letting men play in women’s sports, wanting to save babies, border protection, following the Constitution, fair voting laws.

Conservatives, Christians, Republicans and their values are the real problem.

Yes, if we would just acquiesce, conform, and agree with the left’s liberal/Marxist /Communist takeover of America, we could all live in Joe Biden’s version of “unity.”

They want us to . . .

Reimagine America as “whites” apologizing and making reparations for being born white and racially categorizing all conservative Caucasians as white supremacists.

Reimagine that rioting is actually “peaceful protests” and we’re not actually seeing looting, burning, stealing, and violence in the streets of America.

Reimagine the meaning of words and eliminate words they deem no longer acceptable.

Reimagine that you can change your God-given sex.

Reimagine the biological definition of gender.

Reimagine who responds to your 911 call.

Reimagine life without the security of law enforcement or owning guns for protection.

Reimagine that releasing hard-core felons and criminals is not a danger.

Reimagine the Supreme Court.

Reimagine the need for three separate branches of the Federal government.

Reimagine America’s history.

Reimagine when life starts and who is worthy of life.

Reimagine mandatory masks forever.

Reimagine the meaning of fair and legal elections.

Reimagine who can censor and cancel you.

Reimagine the need for classroom school for your children.

Reimagine how you worship in church.

Reimagine two equal political parties.

Reimagine the military.

Reimagine how you celebrate holidays.

Reimagine the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and Amendments.

Reimagine 50 states.

I bristle every time I hear “reimagine” from the mouths of news commentators, liberals, progressives, leftists, Democrats, and politicians using the term to camouflage the Marxist plans and schemes they have for America. Doesn’t “reimagine” sound more palatable than make America Communist!

Even some liberal-woke “progressive” churches and church leaders are trying to reimagine the Bible and God. Reimagine the remaking of God in their own image.

Here’s who is behind reimagining America and God: Satan.

Can You Imagine?!

“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. Is. 55:8 NLT

The reason I titled this blog Reimagine One Nation Under God is because we’ve moved so far away from how our Founding Fathers imagined America. Can any of you remember what it was like when Christianity’s values were at the core of our nation? I can.

God and moral principles and values were respected, as were those who lived by them. Not by everyone but the majority.

People understood the harrowing hazards of Marxism and Communism and would do anything to make sure those ideologies didn’t invade our country.

People could disagree and debate without being canceled or “racist.”

People honored the American flag, stood for the National Anthem, and recited the Pledge of Allegiance with their right hand over their heart.

Children were in classrooms where the day started with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. They learned reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, science, social studies, they weren’t indoctrinated with Marxist critical race theory or perverse sex curriculum.

Boys grew up to be men and girls grew up to be women!

Our government and the White House were not intentionally instilling racial discord into our nation but sought to bring all races and colors together to live in harmony.

Elected officials, the President, the Vice President loved our country and were proud of it and the union they represented.

Children were taught to value the country they were fortunate to live in, not despise it.

God mattered! God’s creation mattered! The men and women in blue mattered! All people mattered! Babies mattered! Life mattered! Freedom mattered! Marriage between a man and a woman mattered! Faith mattered. And they all still do! Don’t let anyone coerce you into saying or believing they don’t! You matter to God!

Can you remember that America?! Well let’s not just reimagine One Nation Under God, let’s be part of the movement to reinstate One Nation Under God with Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for every citizen . . . every color, every creed, every age!

That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” 1 Cor. 2:9 NLT

18 For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And it was not paid with mere gold or silver, which lose their value. 19 It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. 1 Peter 1:18-19 NLT

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We Are Resilient! We Will Not Be Silenced!

First, let me extend to you a blessed 2021!

We’re not even two weeks into the New Year and we’re already seeing that it’s going to be eventful. So many were anxious to have 2020 behind us hoping that at midnight we’d have a fresh start. But I felt 2021 would be extensionally affected by the previous year’s difficulties and probably usher in it’s own plethora of challenges. I think that’s why as I prayed for God’s guidance to choose a “word” for 2021, which is my yearly tradition, resilience came to mind.

I heard resilience on TV a day later; I knew it was God’s confirmation. He often uses a variety of ways to get our attention.

When I told my friend about my word for 2021, she warned, “You don’t need the practice on that one.” Kind of like don’t pray for patience because then God may let you experience circumstances requiring patience.

I’ve already sensed, as many of you have, that with our country on a downhill trajectory into the evils of socialism, we’re going to need to practice resilience. We can’t become intimidated emotionally, physically, or spiritually by our changing country, but we must remain firmly grounded in our convictions, faith, and family.

What Does Resilience Even Mean?

Here are several definitions for “resilience”:

Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from difficult life events. Being resilient does not mean that people don’t experience stress, emotional upheaval, and suffering. Some people equate resilience with mental toughness, but demonstrating resilience includes working through emotional pain and suffering.”

Mental resilience means the ability of an individual to respond to stress and adversity in a healthy way. Being mentally resilient is not necessarily a personality or genetic trait that you are born with. Rather, it’s a set of skills and coping mechanisms that can be learned.”

I would add that you can pray for resilience, which I’ll be doing daily all year!

When you search Scripture, there are numerous examples of biblical men and women who didn’t let their adverse circumstances hinder them from doing God’s will. As Christians, we don’t learn “coping mechanisms” from the world, but by reading our Bibles and depending on and trusting in God and His ways and words.

We can’t succumb to Socialist/Marxist radical liberalism, but we also can’t live in turmoil or fear. We need to conduct our lives as the Lord leads regardless of who is leading our government. We live confidently as Christ-followers. Unapologetically, Bible-believing Christians.

Youve heard me say many times, and I emphasized in Forsaken God? Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten, “progressive liberal Christianity” is a fallacy. Blasphemy. Godless.

Progressive is a secular term coined by people who want to change the Bible to adapt to culture instead of adapting culture to the Bible. They can call themselves anything they want, but a Christian, especially a “Pastor,” cannot use the Bible to justify abortion, homosexuality, secularism, or any sin!

I posted on Facebook the morning after the Senate loss in Georgia of two Conservative candidates to two radically socialist liberals: “What a good reminder this morning that this world is not our home; we’re just passing through! While here, we’re called to make a difference for the Kingdom. Our eternal home, a mansion, awaits all who know Jesus as their Lord and Savior! Come Jesus come!”

Courage and Not Cowering is Our Mission

Our mission and earthly purpose does not change by who is in the White House or government. It’s easier when they agree with us, but it takes more faith and courage when they don’t!

Nothing we’re watching in our world should surprise us. The Bible says it will be hard to be a true Christian who follows Jesus and not the world.
Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. John 15:20

The Bible also says that in the endtimes, which I believe we’re in, we will watch many fall away and Satan will come out of the shadows. He knows his time is short and he’s not going down without a fight.

Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” Rev. 12:12

So what do we do?

We don’t become complacent or compliant with evil.

We remain aware, not afraid, and take a firm stand against the enemy!

Hold On Tight to Your Family

The very first thing the Speaker of the House did when Congress reconvened in the New Year was pass rules that prohibit the use in Congress of personal gender pronouns and family terms: father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half-brother, half-sister, grandson, or granddaughter.

I think we all agree this is ludicrous, but it also has a sinister motive to eliminate all gender classification of the way God created us: male and female.

Why would “first cousin” be included?

We cannot let this genderless language or concept creep into our own families or conversation.

It has long been the Devil’s desire to destroy God’s creation starting with the family unit. Before BLM removed it from their website, they admitted their goal is to eliminate the Patriarch father led family and BLM would become the “family.”

During the holidays, Democrat Mayors and Governors were telling us NOT to spend time with family!

By building stronger faith-filled families, we will persevere and be victorious over the attack on our way of life. Mothers and fathers must not let technology raise their sons and daughters. One of the benefits of having schools closed was that parents could see what their children are being taught and so much of the curriculum today is a liberal-left agenda against America, morals, and values.

I’m encouraging everyone to hug your family daily or call them regularly. Let each one know how much you love them!

Worship with Your Church Family and Take Your Family to Church!

Many states are still prohibiting churches from meeting, even though the Supreme Court has ruled this is unconstitutional! Another ploy from Satan who wants to destroy God’s church! It’s also a tool of Socialism/Communism.

It was alarming to me how long it took some pastors to fight back against the infringement on our 1st Amendment right to freedom of religion and to assemble in church.

I’ve written so much about this in the past and I’ll give you the links at the end of this blog. It’s absurd that people can cram into airplanes and yet can’t safely go to church.

If your church is not open, find one that is open. Sitting home on your couch and watching a sermon does not replace gathering together with your church family any more than zooming with your children replaces sitting down to dinner with them.

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Heb. 10:24-25

 Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name. Malachi 3:16

We Will Not Be Silenced!

We must be vigilant and vocal but not violent or vicious.

God will not abandon His people but He will always call on us to live by His principles and share the Gospel with the lost, even those who irritate us and seem beyond reach.

2021 is off to a rocky start and none of us can predict what lies ahead, but our resilience comes from putting our trust in Jesus. Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb. 12:2

Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, the people in whose heart is My instruction: do not fear disgrace by men, and do not be shattered by their taunts. For the moth will devour them like a garment, and the worm will eat them like wool. But My righteousness will last forever, and My salvation for all generations. I—I am the One who comforts you. Who are you that you should fear man who dies, or a son of man who is given up like grass? Is. 51:7-8, 12 HCSB

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Is. 26:3

Big Tech is trying to censor, silence, and stifle the conservative voice, so I now have accounts on Parler and Me-We. Apple is removing Parler’s App and Amazon dropped them as a web host, but I’ve heard that Parler will be up and running again with new support soon.

You can find me on Parler @JanetThompson
MeWe mewe.com/i/janetthompson29
You will see my picture on both profiles to confirm it’s me.

Rumble is an alternative to Google’s YouTube, which has been removing conservative videos and accounts.

DuckDuckGo is a search engine that does not trace or track you like Google.

Here are some of my previous articles on topics discussed in this blog and the last one is a new Crosswalk article for married couples.

Why Watching Church Online Is NOT a Substitute for Attending in Person

If God Is Pulling Back the Veil on Evil, How Should the Church Respond?

Don’t Let COVID Divide The Church! We’re On the Same Team!

How Is Home Depot More “Essential” Than God’s Home?

God Will Not Be Silenced So Why Are His People Being Silent?

10 Marriage Goals Every Couple Should Have For 2021

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Have We Willingly Forfeited Our Privacy and Freedom to Big Tech?

I remember well attending a writer’s conference with a friend in the mid-nineties and the speaker said he would periodically check his email to take a break from writing.

I naively asked my friend, “Why does anyone need email? Who has time to sit and read it?”

She looked at me incredulously and said something to the effect that once you have it, you’ll love it.

She was instrumental in helping me set up my first email account and then sent me emails nonstop. At first, I looked at them as an intrusion in my life. This was before IPhones and my computer was upstairs so it wasn’t convenient or important for me to run up and down the stairs to see if anyone had sent an email.

My friend and I used to talk a lot on the phone or in person, but then our mode of communication became almost exclusively email. I also learned that our words could be misconstrued and misunderstood on the computer screen and our first disagreement came via an email message.

Next, came Facebook which again seemed like a major intrusion in my life but when my daughter moved from California to Idaho and she set up a Facebook account, we became “Facebook friends” so I could see what was going on with her and the young grandchildren.

And hey, it was free as opposed to long-distance phone calls, even though I still preferred hearing her voice and seeing the hard copy pictures she sent in the mail.

Soon, I was Facebook friends with many people I recognized and many I didn’t! It was a fun way to stay in contact and connected. But again, it meant climbing the stairs and sitting at the computer a big chunk of time.

Later, as my writing and speaking ministry was flourishing, I attended another writer’s conference where I took a workshop on how to use “Twitter.” That seemed much more complicated and had a number of steps to actually set it up and use effectively. Maybe I’d work on it later.

I progressed to a Blackberry and a laptop so I no longer had to climb the stairs to my office to engage in email and social media. It was accessible 24/7!

Book publishers expected authors to have a social media presence and it was advantageous to have numerous followers.

Social media began to consume a big part of my waking hours.

I long sometimes for the days when I asked my friend, “Who has time for this?”

We’ve Lost Our Privacy

Like many of you, I’ve begun to see social media acting like Big Brother. If I Google or look on a website for an item, I suddenly see ads for it popping up on Facebook. It almost seems that if I even just say I might need something, ads appear for it.

Just yesterday, I was talking face-to-face with someone in the privacy of my home asking about carpet cleaners in our area. Last night, while scrolling through Facebook, there was an advertisement for a local carpet cleaner!!

Coincidence or is Facebook somehow listening to my conversations if my IPhone is near?!

No, we don’t have Alexa. I’ve read Alexa does listen in on conversations in your home.

Years ago, my daughter told me, “Mom, just Google anything you want to know. It’s all there.”

She’s right and actually it’s quite helpful when I’m doing research for a book, even if I’m looking for a Scripture on a topic.

But there’s a downside to all this “free” technology that we’ve ignored.

Big Tech knows way too much about us and we’ve let them.

Big Tech knows where we are, where we live, where we go, what we buy, and maybe what we say and think.

Big Tech has all generations addicted to electronic devices, which have become a necessity rather than a luxury. We’re hooked!

And we’ve ignored Big Tech’s personal invasion into our lives.

Now Big Tech has us just where they want us so they can control what we see, read, and think.

We’ve Lost Our Freedom of Speech

There is no question that Facebook, Twitter, and Google are biased and loyal to the liberal left. Their goal in this election, and universally, is to squelch and censor any communication that does not fit the Democrat and liberal talking points and agenda.

Our President, his campaign, the White House, conservatives, Republicans, and Christians are having their social media accounts censored, locked, and closed, including by YouTube owned by Google.

Even though Congress and the Senate have themselves been censored if they’re on the wrong side politically of Big Tech, they’ve done nothing to stop this communist type censorship.

We’ve heard the stories of China and Russia censoring what people can say and hear in their countries and we said this could never happen in America, yet here we are.

It’s not Russia interfering with the election. It’s the Big Tech conglomerates who can shutdown anything that doesn’t support their liberal platform, beliefs, and candidates.

And we let it happen. We’re sacrificing our freedoms for what they dangle in front of us as free convenient communication while they censor and control us!

I’ve watched Congress and Senate bring the heads of each of the Big 3 into question them, and things only get worse. After the election, next month the Senate is questioning Facebook’s Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Dorsey on alleged censorship, but the damage is already done for this election.

Will they be held accountable? Will anything change? I’m doubtful.

When I saw many in China forced to wear masks and locked into their homes, I thought that would never happen in America. But it did!

Would you have ever thought schools would be closed in America?

Churches closed?

Neighbors encouraged to snitch on each other?

Support for defunding the police and the Pentagon?

Socialism/Marxism/Communism on the ballot?

There are substitutes for Facebook available, but none are very effective.

I’m speaking to myself when I muse whether God is telling us to use the time we spend on social media to instead communicate with Him through His Word, not the world’s ways and words.

I’m going to write more about that last thought next week.

Social media definitely has its rightful place in our society. It can be used for good.

I’m just considering how it’s also being used to manipulate and distract us from good.

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

As you prepare to cast your vote in a week, consider which party supports freedom of speech?

  • Which party is using Big Tech to control what you hear and say?
  • Why don’t they want you to know and share the truth?
    What would America look like if they won?

Can unjust leaders claim that God is on their side—
    leaders whose decrees permit injustice?
21 They gang up against the righteous
    and condemn the innocent to death.
22 But the Lord is my fortress;
    my God is the mighty rock where I hide.
23 God will turn the sins of evil people back on them.
    He will destroy them for their sins.
    The Lord our God will destroy them. Psalm 94:20-23

I would enjoy hearing your thoughts.

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